THANKS for visiting me.
Welcome to your newest visit in my living room. Here are some FREE downloads from my recent work.
Website designed by Gwendolyn Cleveland
Web-Master/Designer: Hensel Graphics
© Jim Cleveland 2017
Finding Truth, Beauty and Goodness on our Home Planet
A 163-page collection of Truth nuggets from celestial lessons; color photos of our planet's Beauty and essays and poetry on Goodness goals. Now on Amazon in print and e-book.
Click on the book graphic to read a sample piece on the glorious discovery of Personal Religion and relief from slanted dogmas.

Dearly Departed
Five Spiritual Friends and their Music Legacy
Over years of attending Urantia Book and Teaching Mission conferences, I've heard some very gifted singers and songwriters. Some of them have passed on, leaving a legacy of great songs and performances. This album is a tribute intended as a Legacy.
Click on the graphic for more information.
Jim Cleveland
Author, Artist, Musician
NEW OFFERING for "Absurd Sojourns" — FREE Samples
Absurd Sojourns
A collection of Humor tracks over the years, from Jim Cleveland's catalog. Now available at Jimclevelandfriends at BandCamp.
Click on the graphic for more information.
For a rich array of new sources for Personal Religion discoveries. Check out Unity Earth; the Jesus Metaverse, the 11.11 Network, and a new book on women in the Jesus ministry by Donna D'Ingillo at the Institute for Christ Consciousness.
In January, we published a humor book that celebrated a bizarre pseudo-logic, and all for laughs. Here's an excerpt where marketers do some brainstorming about a new sensible super-hero they can bank.
Click on the book graphic to read two sample pieces from Gods, Demons and Genitalia.
Battles Over Our Values and Intentions
Apocalypse has unveiled all of a naked world for us to see. True and false rhetoric has engulfed us in a global tsunami that challenges our minds, our values and intentions.
Armageddon battles react and rage across the planet. Will the forces of Goodness win on these fronts? What will be our personal part? Victims or Champions? Faith-driven or in faithless despair? Will we battle corruption or be part of it?
In Loving Memory of James Cleveland
Jim passed away this past March 1st, 2024
I first met Jim over twenty years ago when he was working at the marketing department of Central State University in Wilberforce, OH. We started working on projects related to the university and also worked on some freelance projects with him. We stayed friends all these years and I had the privilege working with him as his graphic design for most of his book cover designs as well as maintaining his website. He was a true friend and I will miss working with him.
Jim and his family would like to thanks everyone who has visited and hope you have enjoyed his creative endeavors over the years.
Jim has three websites that I have maintained for him and I will keep these up until the domain name renewal is due. No new material we be added to the sites. Here is a time line for the three website: will still be hosted until April of 2025 will be hosted until July of 2024 will be hosted until July of 2024