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Beyond Cynicism
From the cover: Like many others, Jim Cleveland despaired of the greed and corruption that has spawned great suffering on our planet. Despair turned to cynicism, a feeling of hopelessness that things would ever be better, that we were hell-bent for our own environmental destruction. Turning to the spiritual realms and anchored with revelations such as the Urantia papers and A Course in Miracles, the author turned in ward for answers, posing frustrated, angry questions to supernal teachers who call themselves the One Team. In the manner of 'Conversations with God,' the author key strokes provocative questions and opens himself to key the poignant and illuminating answers of a candid team of celestials who return Love for every cynical challenge. The author also presents an overview of the techniques of Stillness, a daily time for open communion with our Universal God as our ultimate Father. By joining Eastern-style meditation with Western concepts of worship, prayer and forgiveness, the threshold can be crossed to be delivered our own individual spiritual teachers who will guide us from within. Beyond gurus, preachers and psychics, the Stillness produces a personal relationship with the Universal Father, which means you need nothing else.
Website designed by Gwendolyn Cleveland
Web-Master/Designer: Hensel Graphics
© Jim Cleveland 2017
Jim Cleveland
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Battles Over Our Values and Intentions
Apocalypse has unveiled all of a naked world for us to see. True and false rhetoric has engulfed us in a global tsunami that challenges our minds, our values and intentions.
Armageddon battles react and rage across the planet. Will the forces of Goodness win on these fronts? What will be our personal part? Victims or Champions? Faith-driven or in faithless despair? Will we battle corruption or be part of it?
In this volume, part one, Jim Cleveland expands upon Ascending Apocalypse, from 2021. It includes poignant and sometimes provocative moral essays about our world and this apocalyptic age. He takes on autocracies of all kinds, from Communists to Catholics, MAGA dupes, and white supremacists. He champions the practice of Stilness and personal interaction with Spirit over human sources.
Part two features a plethora of new celestial transmissions that help us identify where we are in our material and spiritual evolution, and how to achieve a higher reality of mind and spirit. Included as well are summaries of our connections with celestial Mechizedeks, teachers and artisans in personal religion sites across the planet.
Gods, Demons & Genitalia
An Alternate Universe of Insightful Idiocies
Is the Sistine Chapel ready for Michelangelo's genitals?
Can Beavis and Butthead restore their sunken images in Helsinki?
Can the world recognize the danger posed by irreverent anarchist Bugs Bunny and his sordid lot?
Can village Elder Abner and saucy barmaid Eva create a better religion around euphoria?
Can sexual degradation be the key to a successful career of which teens are deprived?
Can autocrat Vladimir deal with a fallen, fault-riddled American president without using his revolver?
Do insurance buyers want to cope with a zoo full of weird creatures, a gecko, an emu, and Flo?
Can a Gingrich-driven G-string of GOP dirty tricksters find some real dirt on Biden beyond Geriatrics?
How did a call for water lead to major voting rights legislation and a heroine named Rosie?
As the answers unfold, questions are unveiled.
Here's an excerpt where marketers do some brainstorming about a new sensible super-hero they can bank.
Gods, Guns and Gentleman comprise our ruling class, but a freshman Congressman shares his own ideas with a pompous party whip.
Legally Looney — Cartoon characters go on trial for poisoning the mind of youth in our convoluted judicial courts.
Ascending Apocalypse Vol.1
A New Birth For Mankind
Winning the War of Values and Intentions ... Finding Higher Perceptions to Grow our Souls ... Building new Spirit-Sustained Institutions.
The world confronts many crises.
• A pandemic kills and maims millions and spawns deadlier variants.
• An insurrection uncovered racist seeds in our core, and resistance to multiculturalism. Political partisans work to smother rational thought.
• Autocratic Hitler types threaten Democracy worldwide. Space and Cyberspace are new battlegrounds. Nuclear weapons of mass destruction proliferate.
• Global warming impacts hit ever-harder. Mother Nature fights our abuses with surging walls of wind, water and fire, collapsing icebergs and calamitous droughts.
Across this world of acrimony, there is Redemption underway, a time to confront our core alienations and forge new societies with spiritual values. It is a time of global correction.
Here is a plethora of provocative spirit-inspired essays and a treasury of direct transmissions from an array of celestial teachers serving our planet. They provide the keys to understanding current events, overcoming alienation and forging an altruistic future. This is a book for right now.
On Top Of It
A collection of essays dealing with spiritual, moral, societal and political issues.
HA! The Fat Little
e-mail Funny Book
Here are many thousands of opportunities to get a laugh — in a huge collection of popular e-mail jokes which have been reverberating around the Internet for many years now, and in various configurations. We put much of it in a convenient package for you.
Books & E-Book