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© Jim Cleveland 2017
Jim Cleveland
Books & E-Book
The URANTIA DISCOVERY: Finding Truth, Beauty and Goodness on our Home Planet; Introducing the Wisdom of the Urantia Book, a large collection of color photographs and nuggets of spiritual insight.
Here's is a sample piece on the glorious discovery of Personal Religion and relief from slanted dogmas.
The Common Sense Georgia Guidestones
New book by Jim Cleveland on amazon reveals the name of the creator, reviews his career and includes his complete memoir, "Common Sense Renewed."
Spiritual Maturity
100 lessons for 100 days. Jim Cleveland collects lessons from the celestial teacher corps, featuring Christ Michael.
Celestials Over Cincinnati
Lessons of the Planetary Correcting Time. As a skeptical observer I participate in the advent of celestial teachers in a Urantia Book study group, and follow a phenomena that soon emerges into a global influx of spiritual assistance in these critical earth times. From doubts, I evolve into a transmitter/receiver (TR) and access lessons that can help us achieve balance in tumultuous, quickening and challenging times. Includes spiritual growth transmissions from more than 35 teachers.
Celestial Out Of Silence
This continues the story from CELESTIALS OVER CINCINNATI as the author explores the world of celestial teacher contact from 1996-2019. Includes lessons from a new wave of celestial personalities to help in this time of planetary correction and redemption.
Teaching Mission Vol. 1
A New Foundation of Spirituality for a Quickening Planet
Teaching Mission Vol. 2
Lessons from Christ Michael and an array of Celestial Teachers on connecting to Spirit, learning from Spirit, and teaching co-creatively with Spirit.
STILLNESS: Key to Health, Happiness and Prosperity, the book by Michael Painter
Dialogues on the Urantia doubts of authenticity.
Scores of supernals speak here, including Christ Michael, who incarnated here as Jesus; the biblical Abraham, Machiventa and other Melchizedeks, explaining their mission to instill pure spiritual values on a planet gone horribly astray. Thirty-eight human spiritual seekers discuss their experiences with the teachers from 1991 to the present, the opening years of our planet's epochal 'Correcting Time.'
Living in the Aura Of Love