This is a personal spiritual journey of discovery, from one who found a way beyond skepticism and cynicism.
Within these pages, these central messages will emerge:
1 -- Celestial teachers, guides and angels are everywhere, seeking to make contact with us and help our spiritual growth. They are here in greater numbers now because of the opening of spiritual energy circuits in recent years.
2 -- Overall, there is a planetary Correcting Time in which humans and celestials can work together for spiritualizing up-liftment, within ourselves and our institutions.
3 -- A daily time of Stillness with God for worship, prayer, reflection and conversation is our most important threshold for spiritual growth and peace of mind. This process moves beyond using meditation only for relaxation and contemplation to concerted spiritual up-reach through the actions of worship, prayer, forgiveness, service, and listening for God's answers. These are all activities of the Stillness.
4 -- You can ask for and receive a personal spiritual teacher who will bring you lessons and insights that enhance your personal growth. You can communicate via a new meditative state process called Transmitting-Receiving (TR) through writing or the spoken word.
5 -- Those who want to hear and verbalize teachers in shared gatherings can join with a growing number of Teaching Mission study groups around the country. They provide you with the opportunity to visit, listen, ask questions and learn to transmit yourself.
6 -- Our free wills are always in charge in this evolutionary world. A vital difference between TR and trance channeling is that the human transmitter is in a state of relative consciousness, choosing cooperatively to work with the celestial teacher. This spiritual connection is available to anyone, for the striving, and in the striving will come spiritual growth.
7 -- The earth is not headed toward catastrophic or apocalyptic doom. The love energy that we generate and the actual service that we perform, combined with expanding celestial insights and inspiration, will help lift the world to a higher level of spiritual consciousness. This is a very special place -- the planet of Jesus incarnation.
8 -- The earthly personality known as Jesus is, in fact, a Creator Son of God named Michael, who created and rules our local universe. The religious life of Jesus as fully illuminated in the vast Urantia Book is what humankind most needs to understand in these pivotal and changing times.
9 -- The highest level of spiritual truth available on our planet are the Urantia Papers, first published 1955, held in close control for years, but now recently becoming more widely known.
10 -- GodÕs spirit lives inside each one of us. The celestial teachers will lead you to a greater understanding and deeper connection with this indwelling "Thought Adjuster" which ever seeks to adjust our thoughts Godward.
11 -- Life is an experiental classroom-laboratory to give us material experience in time and space. The learning and growth that we experience here could not be achieved any other way.
12 -- We can follow a glorious ascension path that has been designed for us and the other numerous worlds of time and space. Each, as a child of God, can strive to "be ye perfect," and this mortal life is just a beginning.
The Divine Dozen
Website designed by Gwendolyn Cleveland
Web-Master/Designer: Hensel Graphics
© Jim Cleveland 2017